Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. 1 (context mathematics English) Of, pertaining to(,) or derived using probability. 2 (context religion English) Of or pertaining to the Roman Catholic doctrine of probabilism.
adj. of or relating to the Roman Catholic philosophy of probabilism
of or relating to or based on probability; "probabilistic quantum theory"
Usage examples of "probabilistic".
According to Born and more than half a century of subsequent experiments, the wave nature of matter implies that matter itself must be described fundamentally in a probabilistic manner.
He fully accepted the probabilistic core of quantum mechanics, but in the years following World War II he offered a powerful new way of thinking about the theory.
The probabilistic aspect of quantum mechanics significantly softens Laplacian determinism by shifting inevitability from outcomes to outcome-likelihoods, but the latter are fully determined within the conventional framework of quantum theory.
These empirical regularities are mathematically derivable from universal principles of natural kinds and probabilistic geometry that may, through evolutionary internalization, tend to govern the behaviors of all sentient organisms.
Like Hitler, Saddam willfully distorts facts and probabilistic outcomes to suit what he wants to have happen.
Others here objected strongly to your suggestion, on probabilistic grounds.
It created a far more persuasive argument than a discussion of the subtleties and probabilistic nature of the electromagnetic data reconstruction process.
Probabilities, rather evolution is a probabilistic phenomenon, it depends on chance.
Our aim is to find ways of reducing the Bernoulli Interval to zero: that is, to make guesses of ever-increasing accuracy on the basis of an ever-decreasing statistical sample, or, to put it another way, to move from probabilistic to absolute prediction, or, rephrasing it yet again, to replace guesswork with clairvoyance.
Your technique is intuitive and probabilistic, and mine Well, mine is different.
And, as you yourself pointed out a few minutes ago, probabilistic techniques are worthless in predicting the date of death of any one person.
She coursed over rivers and tidal flats of code, her own mind no more than one thin stream of data, a probabilistic ripple in a living, thinking, feeling ocean.
The unification of spacetime was ripped apart by the forces of quantum gravity, and space became a seething probabilistic froth, laced by wormholes.
Nimrod to the new mentality now added a modifying field, to show a change from reporting of fact to the field of conjecture and probabilistic analysis.
The other would be the former Servient Cousinnow Dominantwhich would have acquired the main thrust and probabilistic strength of temporal evolution.