a. 1 Of, pertaining to, or support of the individual right to own and carry guns. 2 # oppose to the restriction of gun ownership and carry. 3 # (label en US) Belief that the Second Amendment protects an absolute right.
Usage examples of "pro-gun".
O’Reilly is anti-death penalty and pro-gun control, believes in “global warming,” and thought Elian Gonzalez should go back to Cuba— not positions generally associated with the Republican Party.
O'Reilly is anti-death penalty and pro-gun control, believes in "global warming," and thought Elian Gonzalez should go back to Cuba— not positions generally associated with the Republican Party.
It was the sort of thing to shock an American anti-gun nut (or warm the heart of a pro-gun nut).
Handgun opponents call Lott a pro-gun ideologue, and Lott let himself become a lightning rod for gun controversy.