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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
private enterprise
▪ Council building reaped the benefit of the price set by private enterprise.
▪ Even more alluringly, the entire process could be handed over to private enterprise.
▪ He advocated experiments with private enterprise in the coal industry.
▪ He has announced that private enterprise will be allowed to flourish.
▪ Its political platform is brief: the iron hand against Communism to save private enterprise.
▪ So modest pay increases were accompanied by a lifting of restrictions on public officials engaging in private enterprise.
▪ That is an extraordinary doctrine of private enterprise.
▪ The development was originally envisaged as a private enterprise initiative.

Usage examples of "private enterprise".

It was invented to do stuff that private enterprise doesn't bother with, which means that there's probably no reason for it.

The expedition, however, was unsuccessful, as most commercial expedients are prone to be, where the dull patronage of government is counted upon to outvie the keen activity of private enterprise.

Education is here placed among the articles of public care, not that it would be proposed to take its ordinary branches out of the hands of private enterprise, which manages so much better all the concerns to which it is equal.

Whether this be by public or private enterprise, my end will be equally answered.

Enumerate, if possible, all who are defrauded of private claims, all money-lenders and stockholders who have invested in any private enterprise, either manufacturing or mercantile, those who have loaned money on Contracts of longer or shorter date, all sellers of real estate, with stipulations in their deeds for more or less remote payment, all landowners who have leased their grounds or buildings for a term of years, all holders of annuities on private bond or on an estate, all manufacturers, merchants and farmers who have sold their wares, goods and produce on time, all clerks on yearly salaries and even all other employees, underlings, servants and .