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prison cell

n. The room to which a prisoner is confined in a prison.

prison cell

n. a room where a prisoner is kept [syn: cell, jail cell]

Prison cell

A prison cell, also known as a jail cell or lock-up, is a small room in a prison or police station where a prisoner is held.

Usage examples of "prison cell".

With fear comes panic, with panic irresponsibility, and then he makes the mistake,-hews a pathway which the trained mind follows from motive to a prison cell.

The story demonstrates the author's forte in the locked-room branch of detective fiction, with The Thinking Machine taking up a challenge to escape from a maximum-security prison cell with nothing but ``shoes, stockings, trousers and shirt''and, of course, his power to think.

Exploring a prison cell is one of the quickest tasks a man can set himself.

They turned and ran the other way, but Longear appeared again, pulling them through the next barred door into yet another prison cell until the dream blurred and all they saw was darkness with streaks of iron.

It was quite a relief to leave the shadows, even if it was via a dark prison cell.

It is alleged that he ordered a number of executions from his prison cell.

A few visits a year and letters and stories written in her prison cell couldn’.

As soon as the scullery drudge entered the prison cell and saw Leie, all would be lost.

And like me, from a prison cell, she later wrote down the events that had shaped her life.