n. 1 the knowledge that stems from previous experience. 2 (context legal English) knowledge of a set of circumstances sufficient to make actions based on those circumstances wrongful 3 Knowledge before learning a subject, language, etc.
Usage examples of "prior knowledge".
With the sequence no longer valid, it would then be even more difficult than it, is at present for scholars to explain the immense architectural competence and precision of the Great Pyramid (since it defies reason to suppose that such advanced and sophisticated work could have been undertaken by builders with no prior knowledge of monumental architecture).
If the evidence of prior knowledge and other perpetrators is not presented in this case, I fear that the government will be successful in shaping the official story to permanently exclude that evidence.
NSA has also developed a technique that allows analysts with no prior knowledge of a language to quickly search machine-readable foreign language databases for keywords and topics.
Berthold had taken to Dariyan so easily that it was likely he had some prior knowledge of the language, although nothing Antonia knew of the Villam clan suggested an earlier link to Aosta.
Then, suddenly, without planning, without prior knowledge, without warning, Alex was told he had four hours to gather his belongings-no more than sixty-five pounds -straighten out whatever personal affairs he had, and report to Andrews Air Force Base.
May I inquire whether you have any prior knowledge of our community?