Crossword clues for primipara
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Primipara \Pri*mip"a*ra\, n. [L., fr. primus first + parere to bring forth.] (Med.) A woman who bears a child for the first time.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1842, Modern Latin, from Latin primus "first" (see prime (adj.)) + parus (see -parous).
n. A woman during or after her first pregnancy
n. (obstetrics) woman who has been delivered of a child for the first time [syn: para I]
[also: primiparae (pl)]
Usage examples of "primipara".
Her labor was short and easy for a primipara, and the child was of the average size.
Mackenzie cites the instance of a woman aged thirty-two, a primipara, who had been married ten years and who always had been regular in menstruation.
Madden gives the history of a primipara of twenty-eight, married one year, to whom he was called.
Cazenave of Bordeaux relates a most marvelous case in which a primipara suffered in labor from an impacted head.
Wilcox mentions a primipara, three months pregnant, with a double vagina and a bicornate uterus, who was safely delivered of several children.
She keeps me out of debt, weasels the income tax down to the last fraction permissible, gets my bills paid on time, copes with hysterical primiparas, new fathers and doting grandparents, and she's a damned good R.
She keeps me out of debt, weasels the income tax down to the last fraction permissible, gets my bills paid on time, copes with hysterical primiparas, new fathers, and doting grandparents, and she's a damned good R.