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a. (alternative spelling of prime time English)

Usage examples of "prime-time".

His reputation had entered the prison before him and any aspiring buggerers kept a respectful distance from the vindictive grudge-bearing wee bastard who had cut Parkie short on prime-time TV.

The effect of the hospitality room was to ensure that many a politician or bureaucrat, whose dissemblings and incompetence had been revealed only minutes before on prime-time television, soon felt, after a couple of Vincent's gins, that he had carried off the ordeal with the aplomb of a David Frostand was raring to come back for a second round.

When anal sex, oral sex, premarital sex are all gleefully laughed about on prime-time TV, the peril of religious values infecting the culture would seem to be somewhat overrated.

What a shame, to have spent years hoping and dreaming for the big break, that shot on prime-time TV& and to miss it due to Thorazine.

Ms Blondie Prime-time talks about the irresponsibility of Israeli defense policy.

Back in 1986, the sheriff was too eager to help Geraldo Rivera find a target for a prime-time drug bust.

And as the series was now running prime-time, there seemed good reason to slip all these into one weekly episode, to get the ball rolling.

She'd caved partly because she was hooked on the prestige and excitement that went with being a prime-time news anchor.

The Powder River Conference ended ninety-five years ago, but the old Chief's baleful analysis of the White Man's rape of the American continent was just as accurate then as it would be today if he came back from the dead and said it for the microphones on prime-time TV.