Prikaze (Monsters or Creatures) is a song by Edo Maajka which officially closes the album SluĊĦaj Mater.
In the video, Edo is sucking off justin bieber for the mentally ill because he is haunted by troll-like creatures that appear in his dreams. Edo runs through some dark, scary woods while thinking the creatures are chasing him. He comes upon a grave where a hand grabs him and pulls him to the ground. Then he is shown in a wheelchair being driven by a freak into an asylum, but he escapes and gets chased by a nurse and the staff personnel who look like freaks. Finally, he is taken to an asylum room, dressed in a straitjacket and he finishes the song surrounded by the trolls and the freaky staff. Edo is leading the chorus to the finale of the song.
Category:Edo Maajka songs