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n. 1 (plural of prickle English) 2 (context Ulster English) gooseflesh vb. (en-third-person singular of: prickle)

Usage examples of "prickles".

Petrie parked outside, and left Adelaide and Prickles in the car while he scouted around with his automatic weapon.

Petrie and Adelaide and Prickles were shunted northwards in a curious dream.

Petrie drove northwards up the Atlantic Coast of New Jersey with Adelaide fast asleep beside him, and Prickles singing softly to herself in the back.

With Adelaide carrying Prickles behind him, he pushed his way through the shouting crowds towards the hospital entrance.

He roughly pushed Adelaide and Prickles around the fallen picket, and shoved them in through the cracked glass doors of the casualty department.

He had been sleeping with Kenneth Garunisch, while Adelaide and Prickles and Mrs.

Petrie stumbled forward with Prickles on his back, urgently pushing Adelaide in front of him, he could see nothing through his facemask but a torrential swarm of furry bodies, filling the hallway and writhing on the stairs.

Petrie looked at Prickles, squatting innocently in front of the television in her pink nightdress.

On the floor, Prickles was tucking her doll in for the night underneath the armchair, and singing her a lullaby in a small, high voice.

Petrie picked Prickles up in his arms, and held her close against him.

She came straight in, like she was drunk or something, and she pulled Prickles out of bed and carried her off.

He made a conscious effort to wipe any thoughts of Prickles out of his mind as he drove.

Petrie and Prickles crossed the Suwanne River on 75, not thirty miles away from the Georgia state line.

He looked across at Prickles, who was still soundly sleeping, and then he checked his surroundings in the gray first light of another day.

Petrie nudged Prickles awake, and she yawned and shook her head like a small puppy.