Crossword clues for pricer
n. One who, or that which, prices.
Usage examples of "pricer".
So he and Lance Corporal Wehrli walked as close to the fronts of houses on one side of the street as the fences and hedges allowed, while Corporals Musica and Pricer did the same on the opposite side of the street.
He sent Musica and Pricer two blocks to the south and gave them instructions to have their minnies search the bases of houses in a two-block stretch east and west from there.
Bingh took Lance Corporal Wehrli with him as security and left Corporals Musica and Pricer on the roof, monitoring the minnies.
So while Bingh and Wehrli got all the intelligence they could from the operations office, Musica and Pricer would direct the minnies in a search for the personnel office.
Bingh knew that Musica and Pricer would have their two minnies constantly on the move unless one of them found something he needed to know, so he looked closely at what the stationary minnie was viewing.
The additional squads were returned to their companies, and while I did not mind seeing men like Pricer go, I felt a little naked as my strength dwindled.
He sent it to find the hatch and gave control of the other two minnies to Musica and Pricer.