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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Priapism \Pri"a*pism\, n. [L. priapismus, Gr. ?, from Priapus the god of procreation, the penis, Gr. ?: cf. F. priapisme.] (Med.) More or less permanent erection and rigidity of the penis, with or without sexual desire.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"persistent erection of the penis," 1620s, from Late Latin priapismus, from Greek priapismos, from priapizein, from Priapos (see priapic + -ism).


n. (context pathology English) A painful and potentially harmful medical condition in which the erect penis (erection) does not return to its flaccid state (despite the absence of both physical and psychological stimulation), often as a result of a spinal injury.


n. condition in which the penis is continually erect; usually painful and seldom with sexual arousal


Priapism is a potentially painful medical condition in which the erect penis does not return to its flaccid state, despite the absence of both physical and psychological stimulation, within four hours. Priapism is considered a medical emergency, which should receive proper treatment by a qualified medical practitioner. There are two types of priapism: low-flow (ischemic) and high-flow (nonischemic); 80% to 90% of clinically presented priapisms are low-flow disorders. Low-flow involves the blood not adequately returning to the body from the penis. High-flow involves a short-circuit of the vascular system partway along the penis. Treatment is different for each type. Early treatment can be beneficial for a functional recovery.

Not all sources give four hours as the guideline for priapism occurring: "The duration time of a normal erection before it is classifiable as priapism is still controversial. Ongoing penile erections for more than 6 hours can be classified as priapism."

The name comes from the Greek god Priapus , a fertility god often represented with a disproportionately large and permanent erection.

Usage examples of "priapism".

Pressure on the cerebellum is supposed to account for cases of priapism observed in executions and suicides by hanging.

The older records contain instances of continued infantile priapism caused by the constant irritation of ascarides and also records of prolonged priapism associated with intense agony and spasmodic cramps.

Zacutus Lusitanus speaks of a Viceroy of India who had a long attack of stubborn priapism without any voluptuous feeling.

Gross refers to prolonged priapism, and remarks that the majority of cases seem to be due to excessive coitus.

He sought aid at the London Hospital, but the priapism was persistent, and when he left, on May 10th, the penis formed an acute angle with the pubes, and he again had free intercourse with the same female.

Salzer, in discussing the theories of priapism, mentions eight cases previously reported, and concludes, that such cases are attributable to leukemia.

Kremine believes that continued priapism is produced by effusion of blood into the corpora cavernosa, which is impeded on its return.

Longuet regards the condition of the blood in leukemia as the cause of such priapism, and considers that the circulation of the blood is retarded in the smaller vessels, while, owing to the great increase in the number of white corpuscles, thrombi are formed.

He is inclined to suppose that the priapism was due to the stimulation of the nervi erigentes, brought about either by anatomic change in the nerves themselves, or by pressure upon them by enlarged lumbar glands, an associate condition of leukemia.

Irishman of fifty-five who, without apparent cause, was affected with a painful priapism which lasted six weeks, and did not subside even under chloroform.

Booth mentions a case of priapism in a married seaman of fifty-five, due to local inflammation about the muscles, constricting the bulb of the penis.

There was a similar case of priapism which lasted for three weeks, and was associated with hydrocele in a man of forty-eight.

My slide show consisted of color photographs documenting penises suffering extended priapism and the resulting gangrenous injury.

His unwholesome diet, habitual constipation, and especially the unfortunate organic difficulty in his genital organs, produced an almost constant priapism, which was only relieved, and then but temporarily, by the act of pollution.

In this case, a condition of priapism seems to have existed almost from birth, owing to congenital phimosis.