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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Priapean \Pri`a*pe"an\, n. [Cf. L. Priapeius pertaining to Priapus.] (Lat. Pros.) A species of hexameter verse so constructed as to be divisible into two portions of three feet each, having generally a trochee in the first and the fourth foot, and an amphimacer in the third; -- applied also to a regular hexameter verse when so constructed as to be divisible into two portions of three feet each.

Usage examples of "priapean".

The two hands were priapean -- naked human figures: a large male with enormous phallus and a smaller female with legs spread wide.

The two hands were priapean — naked human figures: a large male with enormous phallus and a smaller female with legs spread wide.

The sight and touch of the Priapean object induced a wild pantomime of devotion, an obscene reverence to the maleness of the Harvest Lord.