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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Prevalency \Prev"a*len*cy\, n. See Prevalence.


n. prevalence

Usage examples of "prevalency".

For, if we take a survey of the greatest actions that have been performed in the world, under the influence of single men, which are the establishment of new empires by conquest, the advance and progress of new schemes in philosophy, and the contriving, as well as the propagating, of new religions, we shall find the authors of them all to have been persons whose natural reason had admitted great revolutions from their diet, their education, the prevalency of some certain temper, together with the particular influence of air and climate.

And when he hath so far prevailed upon some, that formerly lived a Christian life, but were under the prevalency of a distracting Melancholy at their latter end, We may have Charity that their Souls are Saved, notwithstanding the sad conclusion of their lives.

A thousand years is supposed to be the limit, but because of our warlike natures and the prevalency of assassination few attain it.