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pretty much

adv. almost completely; very nearly; mostly.

pretty much

adv. to some degree; "we were pretty much lost when we met the forest ranger"

Usage examples of "pretty much".

XX Red Star Rising (DragonsEye in the USA) and Masterharper of Pern pretty much stand alone and could be read at any point after the first two trilogies.

Earl made some more calls, but the reports were pretty much the same.

I suppose it's pretty much of a strain to keep up that grande dame stuff for any length of time, involving as it does rigidity of the facial muscles and the spinal column, for at these words the ancestor called it a day and reverted to the Quorn-and-Pytchleyness of her youth.

For that reason Stark and Closter, despite the fact that they are under my command, stay pretty much to themselves in one area while Nina and I, of course, manage to make our connections in another.

When it comes to governments and armies I'm pretty much of an anarchist and think least is best in both departments.

Of course, I simplified the story in the telling, but the events pretty much followed those that had happened the day before.

Everyone pretty much thought it was a miracle that we had gotten away with our lives.

Lemmi and I, and Carlos and Peng, had been briefed back at the Academy, and this was pretty much a summary, but it tied in things Foley had told us.

As to specific characters, I create them pretty much as I do human characters: give ’.

Black Bart's bullet capped his knee, pretty much blew it off, but didn't come even remotely close to killing him.

Thus New Netherland was largely a colony of tenants rather than property holders, and this state of affairs retarded settlement and made patriotism among the New Netherlanders pretty much a lost cause.

In a recent poll, about 70% of the respondents said they were opposed to the actions of the labor movement against NAFTA, but it turned out that they took pretty much the same position that labor took.