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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Presumptively \Pre*sump"tive*ly\, adv. By presumption, or supposition grounded or probability; presumably.


adv. 1 In a presumptive manner 2 As is presumed to be the case


adv. by reasonable assumption; "presumably, he missed the train" [syn: presumably]

Usage examples of "presumptively".

Murder of a local was, of course, presumptively a local affair, and piracy more than presumptively a naval one, but Halloran had no intention of having this fall through the cracks simply because there had been no reports of pirates in Pironesian water, particularly with these Order knights nosing about.

It informs the reader that the object of the sobriquet is presumptively insane by saying he is a member of it.

Perhaps I was politically offended by his assumption that pot smokers are presumptively armed and dangerous.