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pressure groups

n. (pressure group English)

Usage examples of "pressure groups".

He was an expert at the game of manipulating pressure groups—.

This body of knowledge had been painstakingly assembled over decades and was in a constant state of revision thanks to several factors such as legislation, failed court cases, successful court cases, devious lawyers, advances in forensics, pressure groups, previously botched procedures, human rights and human failings.

Not only will your patience be worn thin by the volunteer who will do anything except work, you will be driven to distraction by the arrogance of pressure groups, made heartsick by the outright sell-out, and astonished and hurt by dirty tricks ranging from torn-down signs to the complete lie, the planted scandal, and the falsified document.

Kate's treatment was one of many experiments being run as the politicians, legal experts, pressure groups and concerned citizens worked feverishly to find a way to accommodate the WormCam's eerie historical reach- still not widely known to the public-into something resembling the existing due process of the law, and, even more challenging, into natural justice.

It was just that nobody had thought that any organization outside government would contemplate doing it, while everyone on the inside was too vulnerable to pressure groups and public opinion to want to get involved.

This nation has split itself into at least a hundred splinter groups, pressure groups, each trying for a bigger bite of the pie.

But it is well known that the unions are not above using mandrakes, or mandragoras, as well as facsimiles, when it suits their purpose, such as for pickets, pressure groups, and the like.

The citizen pressure groups are enormously naive, usually single-issue.

But then, since Venus, it seemed as if the whole human race was splintering into cults and enclaves and pressure groups.

At Streeling, High Council members could solicit him, pressure groups could penetrate the makeshift privacy of the Math Department, and of course the Emperor could blossom in the air at any time.