n. (pressure gauge English)
Usage examples of "pressure gauges".
The pressure gauges were really wavering because of the thirty-pound overpressure waves pulsing through the system.
When a full head of steam approached the red line on her pressure gauges, she cut the water at close to twenty-five miles an hour, faster than most Confederate blockade runners two decades later.
According to the air pressure gauges, the four tanks that were undamaged will supply us with only fourteen hours of air before they run dry.
Tuck clicked off the radio, pushed the throttles up, and watched the jet exhaust pressure gauges.
Hunter called back, rapidly scanning his instrument panel and pressure gauges to confirm normal engine operation, even as he raised the landing gear.
Ease off on the power, power down to zero, but watch your coupling pressure gauges or you'll jackknife.
Cut out a lot of the talky crap about chemosynthesis and photosynthesis, splice in some older material showing horrible-looking wriggly worms, add shots of the pressure gauges running up past maximum.
There were shelves for hoods, gloves, and boots, made of foam neoprene for warmth, and a separate shelf for compasses, depth gauges, pressure gauges, spare weights, and knives in leg sheaths.
He climbed down the ladder and stopped beside the big Venusian who stood stripped to the waist, watching the pressure gauges on the power-deck control board.
It seemed as if the entire caution-light panel was illuminated--ELEC SYS, CADC, STBY GAINS, FUEL HOT, those were the biggies--and the oil and hydraulic pressure gauges were bouncing all over the place.
Before I opened the tank six interior air lock I checked the two pressure gauges, one for the interior of the small internal lock, one for the air-lock/space-suit module.
Air hissed loudly out of the chamber while he watched the pressure gauges.
In contrast with the humming machines in the preparation room, the chamber was only a niche in a wall in a long corridor that had numerous other niches on each side, metal doors with pressure gauges on them.