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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pressive \Pres"sive\, a. Pressing; urgent; also, oppressive; as, pressive taxation. [R.]
--Bp. Hall.


a. 1 (context obsolete English) pressing; urgent 2 (context obsolete English) oppressive

Usage examples of "pressive".

Of course, - he was subject to the usual heckling, especially since on a chart of that scale our little four hundred or so miles a day was not a very len pressive advance across the great blank expanse of paper.

Dublin with some im- pressive public monuments-broad sweeping avenues, soaring bridges and architectural gems like the Four Courts, home of the Irish law courts since 1796, and the Custom House with its graceful arcades, columns and soaring dome-together with some glorious urban spaces like St.

Kitty echoed dubiously, but she assumed a demure expression, belied only by the sparkle in her dark, ex pressive eyes, and linked her arm in that of her brother.