Crossword clues for presidium
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
permanent administrative committee of the U.S.S.R., 1924, from Russian prezidium, from Latin praesidium "a presiding over, defense," from praesidere (see preside).
n. 1 A permanent executive committee, used primarily in Communist countries, with the power to act for a larger governing body when the latter is in recess. (1920) 2 Such an executive committee headed by the President of the Supreme Soviet.
n. a permanent executive committee in socialist countries that has all the powers of some larger legislative body and that acts for it when it is not in session [syn: praesidium]
A presidium or praesidium (Russian prezidium, from Latin praesidēre "to superintend", "preside" [related to "president"]; English plural presidiums or pr(a)esidia) is the executive or permanent (often "standing") committee or collective presidency of various legislative bodies and other organizations.
Usage examples of "presidium".
A member of the Bundestag in West Germany, a deputy in the Nationalrat in Austria, the vice-chairman of the Presidium of the Soviet Union.
Those notebooks were received by the Presidium of the Academy from the Krasnodar Local Lore Museum about six weeks ago.
The newest hero of the Soviet, a member of the inner economic council of the Presidium.
And there was Tempe in the post of second pilot, the logician Rotmont, and two men selected out of a dozen exobiologists and other experts from the presidium of SETI on Earth: Kirsting and El Salam.
All the items dealt with Canton, happenings in and around that vital capital city of Kwantung Province: troop movements, promotions, appointments to the local presidiums and Communist Party, floods, food shortages, the military, numbers and types of East German and Czechoslovak goods available in the stores.
If the Presidium ratifies, we'll be pledged by treaty to go to his aid in that case.