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n. (plural of preservative English)

Usage examples of "preservatives".

They'd applied a new treatment of more modern preservatives, sending an odd sort of double tingling sensation through him.

What he hadn't realized until the cutting operation was that either time, or those same preservatives, had turned the interior of thefsss into a fluid, jellylike substance.

Prr't-zevisti'sfsss wasn't treated with modern preservatives, remember?

There are some preservatives that I haven't checked out yet, but have you looked at the paper they use?

Since we had no way of comparing these with commercial, chemical preservatives, all we could do was to figure on taking samples and instructions to a testing lab, and see what they said.

Like the preservatives, we would have to bring back samples and instructions on all of them, and send them off to a laboratory somewhere.

It was a smell of preservatives, and underneath that the sickly sweet stench of rot and decay.