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Prescottia (plant)

Prescottia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is widespread across much of Latin America and the West Indies, with one species (P. oligantha) extending into Florida.

The name is sometimes misspelled as Prescotia, including in the original generic description. The genus was named for John Prescott, so is to be spelled with a double t per ICN.

Species accepted as of June 2014:

  1. Prescottia auyantepuiensis Carnevali & G.A.Romero in G.A.Romero & G.Carnevali - Venezuela
  2. Prescottia carnosa C.Schweinf. - Venezuela, Colombia, Guyana
  3. Prescottia cordifolia Rchb.f. - Costa Rica, El Salvador, Colombia, Ecuador
  4. Prescottia densiflora (Brongn.) Lindl. - Brazil, Uruguay
  5. Prescottia ecuadorensis C.O.Azevedo & Van den Berg - Ecuador
  6. Prescottia epiphyta Barb.Rodr. - Brazil
  7. Prescottia glazioviana Cogn. in C.F.P.von Martius - Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro
  8. Prescottia lancifolia Lindl. - Brazil
  9. Prescottia leptostachya Lindl. - Brazil
  10. Prescottia lojana Dodson - Ecuador
  11. Prescottia microrhiza Barb.Rodr. - Brazil, Paraguay
  12. Prescottia montana Barb.Rodr. - Brazil
  13. Prescottia mucugensis C.O.Azevedo & Van den Berg - Bahia
  14. Prescottia octopollinica Barb.Rodr. - Rio de Janeiro
  15. Prescottia oligantha (Sw.) Lindl. - widespread from Mexico and Florida though Central America, the West Indies and South America
  16. Prescottia ostenii Pabst - Rio Grande do Sul, Uruguay
  17. Prescottia petiolaris Lindl. - Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
  18. Prescottia phleoides Lindl. - Minas Gerais
  19. Prescottia plantaginea Lindl. in W.J.Hooker - Brazil
  20. Prescottia polyphylla Porsch - São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro
  21. Prescottia rodeiensis Barb.Rodr. - Rio de Janeiro
  22. Prescottia stachyodes (Sw.) Lindl - widespread in Mexico, the West Indies, Central America, and much of South America
  23. Prescottia stricta Schltr. - Minas Gerais
  24. Prescottia tepuyensis Carnevali & C.A.Vargas - Venezuela
  25. Prescottia villenarum Christenson - Peru

Prescottia may refer to:

  • Prescottia (insect), a bug species in the family Deltocephalinae
  • Prescottia (plant), a plant genus in the family Orchidaceae