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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Prescind \Pre*scind"\ (pr[-e]*s[i^]nd"), v. t. [L. praescindere to cut off in front; prae before + scindere to cut asunder: cf. F. prescinder.]

  1. To cut off; to abstract. [Obs.]

  2. (Metaph.) To consider by a separate act of attention or analysis.
    --Sir W. Hamilton.


vb. 1 (cx intransitive with ''from'' English) To abstract (from); to dismiss from consideration. 2 (cx transitive English) To pay exclusive attention to. 3 (rfv-sense) (cx intransitive English) To cut off, detach or separate something 4 (rfv-sense) (cx intransitive English) To think about multiple things individually 5 (rfv-sense) (cx intransitive English) To stop thinking about something