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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
preparatory school
▪ In the Supreme Soviet standing commissions and their preparatory committees, however, limited serious examination of policies took place.
▪ I have a preparatory meeting with the rug people.
▪ He made teaching his career and taught history and mathematics in preparatory schools in Somerset.
▪ Her family, like mine, was a respectable working-class one, her father being the groundsman at a private preparatory school.
▪ Nursing homes, student residences and preparatory schools of discreet reputation have taken over from the merchants.
▪ Undismayed, she sent me to a first-class crammer for two terms, and Brian to another preparatory school.
▪ Independent schools are also referred to as public schools, private schools, preparatory schools and non-maintained schools.
▪ After attending two preparatory schools, he was admitted as a scholar to Winchester College in 1752.
▪ Must are preparatory schools, but some keep children to A-level standard.
▪ The Trustees of the Harpur Charity were asked to admit the female children of the House to their preparatory school.
▪ However, much of the enjoyment of success comes from carrying out the preparatory work yourself.
▪ But first there is some preparatory work.
▪ But assistant director of environment, development and transportation, Ken Glew, said preparatory work was progressing.
▪ Combined with the preparatory work now being undertaken, that will give councils the maximum time to prepare themselves before April 1993.
▪ Accordingly, as much preparatory work as possible should be done in advance.
▪ In far too many instances real hard preparatory work is confined to well trained union negotiators.
▪ Despite their name, pressure jet cleaners are more rinsing machines than cleaners as preparatory work usually has to be carried out.
▪ This preparatory work was practically complete at the outbreak of war and authority was given a few days before for completion.
▪ Months of preparatory work needs to be done before construction can begin.
▪ Accordingly, as much preparatory work as possible should be done in advance.
▪ But assistant director of environment, development and transportation, Ken Glew, said preparatory work was progressing.
▪ But first there is some preparatory work.
▪ Combined with the preparatory work now being undertaken, that will give councils the maximum time to prepare themselves before April 1993.
▪ In far too many instances real hard preparatory work is confined to well trained union negotiators.
▪ So striking was the experience that many were said to believe it was preparatory to the end of the world.
▪ The most frustrating aspect of this preparatory phase is the waiting period before the attack is triggered.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Preparatory \Pre*par"a*to*ry\, a. [L. praeparatorius: cf. F. pr['e]paratoire.] Preparing the way for anything by previous measures of adaptation; antecedent and adapted to what follows; introductory; preparative; as, a preparatory school; a preparatory condition.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., from Late Latin praeparatorius, from Latin praeparatus (see preparation). Earlier in same sense was preparative (late 14c.). Applied from 1822 to junior schools in which pupils are "prepared" for a higher school.


a. of or pertaining to preparation, having the purpose of making something or someone ready, preparative


adj. preceding and preparing for something; "preparatory steps" [syn: preparative, propaedeutic]


Usage examples of "preparatory".

Johannes cleared his throat preparatory to making a pithy remark, but he was interrupted by Admiral Wimbush, who wanted to head off a confrontation.

The Army Commander-in-Chief will specify to the Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief the targets and tasks which he requires to be performed, both in the preparatory attack on the rearward installations of the enemy and for air action during the progress of the battle.

The Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief would naturally lay aside all routine programmes and concentrate on bombing the rearward services of the enemy in the preparatory period.

After his muscles had exercised themselves upon the ponderous article of furniture, and had placed the benches called skemmels down each side and chairs at each end, he went into the stable to dress down the mare and sharpen her shoes preparatory to her long journey.

The earnest endeavors made by men known to be devoted to the Revolution, to hurry Virginia and Maryland out of the Union, were regarded as preparatory steps for the subjugation of Washington.

I took in a deep breath preparatory to repeating the words of the Summoning, and ended up sneezing out a bit of ash that had made its way into my sensitive nose.

Madame Kelnicort that evening, as they uncloaked, preparatory to entering the already crowded ballroom.

When I was quite a young man I adopted literature as a profession, and having passed through the necessary preparatory grades, I found myself, after a good many years of hard and often unremunerative work, in possession of what might be called a fair literary practice.

Here, in the days before the coming of the Yankee, they were wont to put in to careen and clean their vessels and to take in a fresh supply of provisions, gunpowder, and rum, preparatory to renewing their attacks upon the peaceful commerce circulating up and down outside the islands, or through the wide stretches of the Bahama channel.

The first one, Ar binger Preparatory School, in Massachusetts, is one of the toniest in the country.

As the hour for morning colors approached, sailors in white uniforms removed the jack and ensign from their lockers, a bluejacket on the signal bridge hoisted the Blue Peter, and boatswains were set to pipe the preparatory signal at 0755.

The very gesture with which she tied her bonnetstrings, preparatory to one of her nun-like walks in her garden at Amherst, must have had something dreamy and Emersonian in it.

Educated at Polytechnic Preparatory School, Mercersburg Academy, and Washington and Lee University.

After serving the journeymen in the refectory we had breakfasted as usual, met Master Palaemon in our classroom, and after a brief preparatory lecture followed him to the lower levels to view the work of the preceding night.

By now he had been authorized to return to Peiping preparatory to the end of his tour in May and so his stay in Chungking was short, lasting only from December 19 to 31.