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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Prelusive \Pre*lu"sive\, a. [See Prelude.] Of the nature of a prelude; introductory; indicating that something of a like kind is to follow. ``Prelusive drops.''
-- Pre*lu"sive*ly, adv.


a. Acting as a prelude; preliminary.


Prelusive is the 2002 independent debut EP by Australian singer–songwriter Sarah Blasko.

A video was made for "Your Way", and the song received a great deal of airplay on youth radio station Triple J.

The EP is called 'Prelusive' "because that means introductory, from the word 'Prelude', which is a musical term meaning a short, independent composition" said Blasko in a 2003 interview. "And so I thought that word really fit because [the EP] is relatively short- only six songs, and it’s independent, and it’s a composition, or a number of compositions."

The EP was re-released by Sarah's new label Dew Process (UMA DEW90062) on March 31, 2003.

Usage examples of "prelusive".

Hepzibah involuntarily thought of the ghostly harmonies, prelusive of death in the family, which were attributed to the legendary Alice.

Their movements, as they advanced in a slow prelusive march were so strange that I wondered what sort of dance I was now to be shown.