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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Prelature \Prel"a*ture\ (?; 135), Prelatureship \Prel"a*ture*ship\, n. [F. pr['e]lature, or LL. praelatura.] The state or dignity of a prelate; prelacy.


n. 1 prelates in general 2 the office of a prelate

  1. n. prelates collectively [syn: prelacy]

  2. the office or station of a prelate [syn: prelacy]

Usage examples of "prelature".

Dei is a personal prelature of Vatican City, and His Holiness can disperse monies however he sees fit.

I pray you, father, do not so act that their poverty shall become a motive for pride, nor elevate them to prelatures which would move them to insolence toward others.