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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Prelatist \Prel"a*tist\, n. One who supports of advocates prelacy, or the government of the church by prelates; hence, a high-churchman.

I am an Episcopalian, but not a prelatist.
--T. Scott.


n. One who supports or advocates prelacy, or the government of the church by prelates.

Usage examples of "prelatist".

Have we not seen Prelatist churches, churches of form and of show, where the creature is confounded with the Creator--have we not seen them, I say, and have we not forborne to sweep them away, and so lent our sanction to them?

Shall we suffer the Prelatist altar to be preserved by these sons of Amalek?

How comes it that one of his kidney should lend help to the Prelatist cause?

A good spirit would have chosen out for thee a godly maiden of thine own people, and not a prelatist and a stranger like this girl.

These arrangements had to be carried out with the most extreme caution, for there were many Prelatists in the village, and in the present disturbed state of the public mind any activity on the part of so well known a man would have at once attracted attention.

There were doubtless many among the Puritans who had no love for the Prelatists, but none save the most crack-brained fanatics could fail to see that the sacking of the Cathedral would set the whole Church of England in arms, and ruin the cause for which they were fighting.

The king had suffered so much in his reputation by his complaisance to the presbyterians of Scotland, and was so displeased with the conduct of that stubborn sect of religionists, that he thought proper to admit some prelatists into the administration.