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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Prefix \Pre*fix"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Prefixed; p. pr. & vb. n. Prefixing.] [L. praefixus, p. p. of praefigere to fix or fasten before; prae before + figere to fix: cf. F. pr['e]fix fixed beforehand, determined, pr['e]fixer to prefix. See Fix.]

  1. To put or fix before, or at the beginning of, another thing; as, to prefix a syllable to a word, or a condition to an agreement.

  2. To set or appoint beforehand; to settle or establish antecedently. [Obs.] `` Prefixed bounds. ''

    And now he hath to her prefixt a day.


vb. (present participle of prefix English)

Usage examples of "prefixing".

His chin, from the same cause, had acquired the grave and imposing form which is generally described by prefixing the word 'double' to that expressive feature.

PLINY writes as follows, prefixing his description of it with the cautious remark, "I am not quite sure that its existence is not all a fable.

Scunthorpe, prefixing his remark with one of his deprecating coughs, suggested that as the hackney had been told to wait for them, he and Miss Tallant, ought, perhaps, to be taking their leave.

As for the girls, beyond saying that he saw no reason why Susan should be presented at a Drawing-room, and annihilating Margaret by telling her that when she could address him without prefixing her remarks with a giggle he might attend to her, he never noticed them.