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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Prefix \Pre*fix"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Prefixed; p. pr. & vb. n. Prefixing.] [L. praefixus, p. p. of praefigere to fix or fasten before; prae before + figere to fix: cf. F. pr['e]fix fixed beforehand, determined, pr['e]fixer to prefix. See Fix.]

  1. To put or fix before, or at the beginning of, another thing; as, to prefix a syllable to a word, or a condition to an agreement.

  2. To set or appoint beforehand; to settle or establish antecedently. [Obs.] `` Prefixed bounds. ''

    And now he hath to her prefixt a day.

  1. 1 Having a (specified) prefix. 2 added as a prefix. alt. 1 Having a (specified) prefix. 2 added as a prefix. v

  2. (en-past of: prefix)

Usage examples of "prefixed".

Sainte Beuve has prefixed her recovered portrait in an essay marked by his best touches.

Butler was written by an anonymous author, said by William Oldys to be Sir James Astrey, and prefixed to the edition of 1704.

To this edition are prefixed the commendatory verses of Barrow and Marvell.

Alice did come from a noble British house but she could not claim to have Lady prefixed to her name.