adv. 1 in a preferential manner 2 advantageously
adv. in a preferential manner; "he was treated preferentially"
Usage examples of "preferentially".
There were no scavengers, but Mitchegai grubs, pollywogs, and juvenals all preferentially ate dead material, animal or vegetable, before they would eat live grass.
Within this region, space and time recoupled and contracted inward with the imploding core to simulate for an instant the bizarre, inverted conditions of an antiuniverse, and in that instant a large portion of the tweedles liberated in the process transformed into antitweedles which, under the prevailing high-energy conditions, combined preferentially into antiquarks and antileptons rather than radiation.
Like amino acids, circularly polarized light comes in either left or right orientations, and will preferentially break up molecules of the opposite hand.
Some oxygen is freed when ultraviolet light from the sun splits apart molecules of water (H2O), and the low-mass hydrogen atoms preferentially escape into space.