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vb. (misspelling of preferred English)

Usage examples of "prefered".

It might have been his son, Figgis supposed, but he prefered to think it was still the same man, and that a magical amulet was keeping him alive.

So certainly she would have prefered Jeremy, for the relationship she entered with him wouldn't have been all that complicated.

Everyone in the vicinity recognized a potential flashpoint when they saw one forming, and prefered to put a little distance between them and whatever unpleasantness might occur.

Further, sooth, when it did, it mistook thy ass for thy face and prefered it to lick.

Whether because they had never become comfortable with the practice, or because the Hyadean translation programs couldn't capture the subtleties of natural language sufficiently for fluency, they prefered using conventional touchpad and wireless mouse rather than voice when operating equipment.

He prefered the soft feel of real linen bedsheets to the papercloth ones he had slept on for twenty-three years, and the faint smell of age in the stones and plaster of the walls, saturated with centuries of woodsmoke and seasons, to the sterile one of a typical Federation apartment.