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adv. In a manner that can be expected or anticipated.


adv. in a predictable manner or to a predictable degree; "predictably, he did not like the news"

Usage examples of "predictably".

So the tax-increment financing of shopping centers can sacrifice the local character of retailing for the predictably larger incomes produced by national merchants.

It was, perhaps predictably, like seeing the past life of the Earth through the wrong end of a telescope.

But the charade would probably fool most context-sensitive monitoring devices or agency flacks drafted to listen to the predictably boring conversations of a bus driver like herself.

If, however, the change is within the range of what the relic might predictably undergo himself, continuity of individuality is presumed.

Ray Scutter would have made an interesting subject, Chris thought, but he was supposed to be hard to approach, and his public pronouncements were so predictably banal that better journalists than Chris had written him off as a lost cause.

Its headlamps were eyes now, predictably, bristling with thick wire lashes, its cowcatcher a jawful of protruding teeth.

Predictably, Haiti then became the site of the first large-scale slave revolt, when blacks and Indians banded together in 1519.

It was the Group, predictably, broadcast from the microsatellite they owned, which all the pilgrim buses picked up with a special antenna.

As a Parsi and a practicing Zoroastrian, the old steward had reacted predictably to the posters for the newest Inspector Dhar absurdity.

The rest of the bedroom was predictably uncluttered, as was her bathroom, but when I opened her bedroom closet, I was stunned--and then I laughed out loud.

Just as I thought that my mind would go down with the adverbs, I arrived at the predictably happy ending.

Nova Babylonia, on the planet Nova Terra around the predictably named Nova Sol, was about a hundred light-years distant from Mingulay.

Bush counties, predictably, 6 out of 10 such ballots made it into the final tally.

And, predictably, anyone continually knitting his life into contexts of intention, import, and clarifications of meaning will in the end find that he has lost the sense of experiencing life.

Predictably, none of the public databases offered any indication of what kind of work was done at this outlying facility, but I could make a good guess.