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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Predesignate \Pre*des"ig*nate\, a. (Logic) A term used by Sir William Hamilton to define propositions having their quantity indicated by a verbal sign; as, all, none, etc.; -- contrasted with preindesignate, defining propositions of which the quantity is not so indicated.

  1. (context logic of a proposition English) Having its quantity indicated by a verbal sign, as with "all", "none", etc. v

  2. To designate in advance.

Usage examples of "predesignate".

Part of our job in the event of hostilities would have been calling in air strikes on predesignated targets on the other side of the border, such as power stations and desalination plants.

It was rare for a navy ship to receive a message while in transit from one world to another, but it was sometimes necessary, which was why ships always had one or two predesignated jump points they were required to hit during a cruise.

Dizzy and sweat-soaked, Jake pulled the airboat into a small inlet-the predesignated rendezvous point-then cut the engine.

Brighton Best Savings wearing a predesignated necktie at straight-up five.

Not only was there a predesignated release point, but there was more than one.

The rehearsals and the skull practices paid off, as each squad went for its predesignated palm tree, church steeple, or bridge.

The attendants of the Ancestors met the refugees at predesignated places to guide them to the caves.

Five green lights flashed to red and disappeared, on their way to predesignated stations outside Fandango: one off each blunt end of the Depot cylinder and the remainder at the entry to the gateway force field.

The expeditionary force will form three separate columns of attack, advance under cover of darkness and total silence along diverging routes of march, turn at predesignated points and converge upon Able Hill in a three-pronged pincer movement.

So, what are the chances that a naval radio operator could mistakenly send the code to the submarine fleet to launch their missiles at their predesignated targets?

Madox is going to try to get our subs to launch against predesignated targets in the Mideast, China, or North Korea.

ELF signal to reach the submarines, then the silence is taken to mean the ELF station has been destroyed, and the subs are then authorized to launch against their predesignated targets in the U.

Daniel had no idea what they meant since they were designed for passing on predesignated orders anywhere and at anytime with no fear of compromising the agent.

Brighton Best Savings wearing a predesignated necktie at straight-up five.