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n. (plural of precondition English)

Usage examples of "preconditions".

And he thought, If there are certain preconditions for the belief in magic that makes it possible to use the magic, then maybe those preconditions will inevitably arrange themselves.

If there are certain preconditions for the use of magic, those preconditions will inevitably arrange themselves.

By blindly stepping up the rate of change, the level of novelty, and the extent of choice, we are thoughtlessly tampering with these environmental preconditions of rationality.

Greenberg was able to tell us a bit of what happened with the ancient drive, the preconditions, but of course he didn't know how it worked, except that the speed had to be sufficient to affect the average mass of the universe.

These senseless utterances at once feed upon, and serve as the preconditions for, my own attempts to generate discourse.

Oh, sociopaths turned up every now and then, of course, but what Albert (when he and I discussed such matters) called “the preconditions for opportunistic crime” were scarce.

Exact landing point not stipulated in preconditions, however it must be in the San Joaquin Valley, North of Highway 152.