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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Preclude \Pre*clude"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Precluded; p. pr. & vb. n. Precluding.] [L. praecludere, praeclusum; prae before + claudere to shut. See Close, v.]

  1. To put a barrier before; hence, to shut out; to hinder; to stop; to impede.

    The valves preclude the blood from entering the veins.
    --E. Darwin.

  2. To shut out by anticipative action; to prevent or hinder by necessary consequence or implication; to deter action of, access to, employment of, etc.; to render ineffectual; to obviate by anticipation.

    This much will obviate and preclude the objections.


vb. (en-past of: preclude)

Usage examples of "precluded".

French fortresses constructed along the frontiers of Alsace and Lorraine after 1870 precluded the Germans from making a frontal attack across the common border.

He even debated with his Staff the advisability of fighting a defensive war against France, but rejected the idea because it precluded all possibility of “engaging the enemy on his own territory.

The Admiral­ty’s original order, forwarded to him apparently as an instruction by his superior, Admiral Milne, precluded action “against superior forces.

Unfortunately, the way we had to get into the base precluded that, so the two of us settled for using pistols that carried Teflon-coated, armor-piercing bullets.

Though he said nothing for a moment, his tone precluded any further comment from Jake.

The zeal of the revolution precluded at least for the moment the tending of such items of luxury.

It occurred to me that Rebecca might have found them when she packed Jean’s possessions, and was settled in a new apartment busily modifying a payment plan for John Vanderson-one that precluded dark alleys.

Eleanor sat down, but at a distance that precluded any reckless heroics on my part.

Selfsufficiency did not demand solitude any more than a few new gray hairs precluded companionship.

So he was really in control there, and he conned us into thinking he was a prisoner, which precluded his being the threat to Kashfa that he really was—if you want to look at it that way.

And even if he had, his mental condition precluded him from understanding them.

Because his incarceration precluded him from killing any more women with his bare hands, he devised an alternative plan to kill them with “ kindness.

The how and the why of it he was reluctantly obliged to accept as being beyond his knowing, but there were certainties in it that surely precluded hallucination or self-deception?

Markanians to blame it on would have precluded you finishing the job,"

The forest animals who could browse on brush or bark or lichen stayed on the wooded slopes that offered seclusion and precluded large herds.