The Collaborative International Dictionary
Precipitately \Pre*cip"i*tate*ly\, adv.
In a precipitate manner; headlong; hastily; rashly.
adv. In a precipitate manner.
adv. at breakneck speed; "burst headlong through the gate" [syn: headlong]
Usage examples of "precipitately".
Without expecting the royal license, he escaped from his guards, precipitately embarked, deserted the imperfect synod, and retired to his episcopal fortress of safety and independence.
His lordship distinguished with great propriety and precision, between a step which had been precipitately taken in a violent crisis, when the public was heated with apprehension and resentment, and a solemn law concerted at leisure, during the most profound tranquility.
The foot began the attack too precipitately, and were at first repulsed, but they soon recovered themselves.
The French, finding themselves hard pressed on both flanks, as well in front as in rear, retired precipitately, with considerable damage, occasioned chiefly by the British cannon and dragoons, and many were drowned in attempting to ford the Dymel.
From the first I felt that the unseen fumbler meant a danger not to be met or dealt with, but only to be fled from as precipitately as possible.
Carter put out of the way certain things which were after a fashion alive, and fled precipitately from a few other things about which he could not be very positive.
They were searching the house for some unknown source of disturbance which had thrown all the cats into a snarling panic and caused them to plunge precipitately down several flights of stairs and squat, yowling, before the closed door to the sub-cellar.
As soon as the king arrived, the young girl dried her tears, but did it so precipitately that the king perceived it.
Without stopping to ascertain whether or not I had killed him, I fled precipitately to my lodgings, hastily packed my belongings, and set out for Matheron Station by the same train I had so fondly believed would convey Lona and me to our nuptial altar.
And he, for his part, fled precipitately, deeply annoyed at having been a surprised witness to such a secret.
The mother crept up, concealing herself much as possible from view, thrust her baby into the cavity as into an oven, gave a tug at the bell-chain, and then precipitately fled.
The Syndic took his presence for an omen: tempted by it, he rose precipitately, seized his head-gear and cane, and hurried into the street.
Krook's back second floor, from which a few of the Jurymen retire pale and precipitately.
She was clearly healthier, physically, but as he quickly discovered, she still was mad as a March hare, still precipitately violent, still very dangerous.
Barrows apologized, then retreated precipitately, as the shaggy, faceless nemesis charged raveningly against the closing port.