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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Precentor \Pre*cen"tor\, n. [L. praecentor, fr. praecinere to sing before; prae before + canere to sing. See Chant.] A leader of a choir; a directing singer. Specifically:

  1. The leader of the choir in a cathedral; -- called also the chanter or master of the choir.

  2. The leader of the congregational singing in Scottish and other churches.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1610s, from Late Latin praecentor "a leader in singing," from Latin praecantare "to sing before," from prae "before" (see pre-) + canere "to sing" (see chant (v.)). For change of vowel, see biennial.


alt. The person who is the song and/or prayer leader in a cathedral, church, monastery, or synagogue and generally facilitates worship. n. The person who is the song and/or prayer leader in a cathedral, church, monastery, or synagogue and generally facilitates worship.


n. the musical director of a choir [syn: choirmaster, cantor]


A precentor is a person who helps facilitate worship. The details vary depending on the religion, denomination, and era in question. The Latin derivation is "præcentor", from cantor, meaning "the one who sings before" (or alternatively, "first singer").

Usage examples of "precentor".

John the Precentor, who introduced the Roman liturgy into this country, bequeathed a number of valuable books to Wearmouth.

But even in a Cathedral town, even after midnight, several successive expeditions of a lay precentor with a wheelbarrow full of quicklime would have been apt to attract the comment of some belated physician, some cleric coming from a sick bed, or some local roysterers.

About six months later, Helena Landless is to join Neville, who is watched at intervals by Jasper, who, again, is watched by Grewgious as the precentor lurks about Staple Inn.

I had given by the precentor notice to every widow in the parish that was in need, to come to the manse and she would receive her portion of the partitioning of the augmentation.

He was an old clergyman, plain and simple in his manners, and not occupying a very prominent position, seeing that he was only precentor to the chapter.

The ceremony was performed by the archdeacon, without assistance, although the dean, and the precentor, and two other clergymen, were at the ceremony.

Peter Pennecuik, who acted as precentor, led the opening psalm, reading each line before it was sung.

The precentor gabbled a grace, and the little company began their meal on the viands already on the table, for there were no hot dishes when fast was broken in summer-time.

I was the precentor going to Turin to compose the music of the opera which was to be represented at the marriage of the Duke of Savoy.

The fat, red-faced precentor Tolmashevsky extinguished a greasy wax candle and thrust his tuning-fork into his pocket.

There was no choir singing, but congregational song with a precentor who stood in the middle aisle and led the people, with the large organ at one side of the church, J.

Exeter from 1503 to 1551, in the various capacities of archdeacon, precentor, dean, and bishop successively.

He, as well as Apollo, was precentor of the Muses and source of inspiration.

He, too, had been a professor of canon law at Oxford, was a chaplain to the Pope and precentor of the cathedral church of Exeter.

In place of the dean and chapter, the precentor, and chancellor--all removed--four city preachers were chosen by the Assembly of Divines, and paid out of the revenues of the minster.