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Praveen (also spelled Prabin, Pravin, Pravheen or Praween) is a male name of Sanskrit origin. It is a common Indian, Nepalese, Sri Lankan or Thai given name. The actual meaning of the name in Sanskrit is "knowledge", "skillful", or "proficient".

In Hindi, Telugu and Kannada, the word "Praveen" refers to specialization in a particular aspect. For example, in Telugu: "Sangeetham lo praveenudu" means a person skilled in music.

The name "Praveen" was first used by royal heirs of the Ancient South-Indian Kingdoms who were born during the "Rudhrodhgaari" (57th year) of the 60-year cycle of the Tamil Calendar derived from ancient astronomical data, known as the "Tirukkanda Panchanga". (cf. The Secret Doctrine, 2:49-51)

Praveen (actor)

Praveen (born Bellamkonda Praveen on 8 January 1980) is a Telugu actor known for his comic roles in movies like Kotha Bangaru Lokam, Shambo Shiva Shambo, Rama Rama Krishna Krishna, Mirapakay, Karthikeya and others.