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Usage examples of "prane".

Officially, the University of Duhr appreciated your willingness to interrupt a personal visit with Solar Prane to give our students the benefit of your art.

The computers picked Prane, remember, on the basis of performance and ability.

Helva, however, had heard Prane reject medical assistance, and, by her sensors, knew he was feigning sleep to prevent argument.

Ansra had done nothing to aid Prane, antagonizing her and adding to the tension within the ship.

No, Prane was not asleep though everyone else was secure under the mesh blanket And Prane needed rest the most.

I request that it be assigned Solar Prane and such of his company as accept.

Duhr landing, Davo, Solar Prane and Kurla the central figures of a smiling cluster.

Yet more devastating to Solar Prane was loss of memory and to prevent that, he courted self-destruction.

How Prane kept his temper with such deliberate obstructionism, Helva did not know.

When Mercutio and Paris got into a fight that was not in the script, Prane called a halt.

For Prane was a different, tenderer Romeo, his voice trembled not with fatigue but with newfound love, gentle, protective, eager.

They seemed to be a breath away from a kiss when Prane, a garbled sound issuing from his throat, whirled away down the corridor.

They tended to express themselves in Corviki terms, as Prane and Chadress had the night before.

Helva took advantage of her will-lessness to make her give Kurla and Prane the first injections.

Solar Prane, you are not the only person on board with perfect recall.