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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Prance \Prance\ (pr[.a]ns), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Pranced; p. pr. & vb. n. Prancing.] [OE. prauncen; probably akin to prank, v. t. See Prank.]

  1. To spring or bound, as a horse in high mettle.

    Now rule thy prancing steed.

  2. To ride on a prancing horse; to ride in an ostentatious manner.

    The insulting tyrant prancing o'er the field.

  3. To walk or strut about in a pompous, showy manner, or with warlike parade.

  1. (context dated now uncommon English) that prances n. The act of one who prances. v

  2. (present participle of prance English)

Usage examples of "prancing".

Mounted upon a horse as large, as black, and as forbidding as himself, he cantered slowly forward, with none of those prancings and gambades with which a cavalier was accustomed to show his command over his charger.

He ignored Fafhrd's exit and shut his ears to his noisy prancings, but the more he wooed sleep, the further she drew away.

With fantastic bounds and prancings he entered the ring and whirled before his bound and silent captives.