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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Practice \Prac"tice\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Practiced; p. pr. & vb. n. Practicing.] [Often written practise, practised, practising.]

  1. To do or perform frequently, customarily, or habitually; to make a practice of; as, to practice gaming. ``Incline not my heart . . . practice wicked works.''
    --Ps. cxli. 4.

  2. To exercise, or follow, as a profession, trade, art, etc., as, to practice law or medicine.

    2. To exercise one's self in, for instruction or improvement, or to acquire discipline or dexterity; as, to practice gunnery; to practice music.

    4. To put into practice; to carry out; to act upon; to commit; to execute; to do. ``Aught but Talbot's shadow whereon to practice your severity.''

    As this advice ye practice or neglect.

    5. To make use of; to employ. [Obs.]

    In malice to this good knight's wife, I practiced Ubaldo and Ricardo to corrupt her.

    6. To teach or accustom by practice; to train.

    In church they are taught to love God; after church they are practiced to love their neighbor.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1620s in reference to professions; from 1906 in reference to religions; present participle adjective from practice (v.).

  1. 1 Actively engaged in a profession. 2 Participating in the rituals and mores of a religion. n. The act of one who practices. v

  2. (present participle of practice English)


adj. actively engaged in a career or way of life; "a practicing physician"; "a practicing Catholic"

Usage examples of "practicing".

It is only from practicing Dharma that sustained inspiration for spiritual practice is derived.

By practicing the four remedial powers, we lose the appetite for our vices.

I spent the morning practicing with the lighter loads, shooting dead persimmons off a tree at the back of the lot yonder.

Obie Yount spent the morning painfully but doggedly practicing with his cannonballs.

Abdullah the Hindu, he was forever practicing his juggling and balancing tricks, and with ever more numerous, more various and more outlandish props.

Most of the troupers had chores or practicing to occupy their off-time, but some of them ambled up Loudoun Street to have a look at Winchester.

Slovaks were not working for Goesle or practicing music, Beck would have them shearing sheet metal or bending tubing or riveting and soldering together the fairly intricate bits of his hydrogen generator.

Clover Lee, who retired only to a respectful distance, and there began practicing flip-flops and cartwheels to display her legs and under parts to best advantage.

The emperor would have done better to keep his men in garrison, practicing close-order drill.

Every one of them began practicing, to work out the kinks incurred during this latest layoff, and to experiment with new tricks and turns.

After practicing for a time on the scheme, the different acts become so well connected that he seldom leaves the light burning.

If he divides his attention between the acts which he is practicing and something else, the effect of the practice in fixing and perfecting the habit is slight.

This is only another way of saying that when we are practicing to establish a habit, we should attend to what we are doing and to nothing else.

The act which we are practicing must give us pleasure, either while we are doing it or as a result.

I am glad of all the support I can get, anywhere, if I can get it without practicing any deception to obtain it.