PowerReviews develops and markets consumer engagement technology for brands and retailers. The company has offices in Chicago, London and San Francisco.
PowerReviews was founded in 2005 by Andy Chen and Robert Chea. The company has raised $40.1 million in venture capital from investors including Draper Richards, Menlo Ventures and Tenaya Capital. PowerReviews provides technology and tools for retailers and e-commerce companies to host product reviews on their websites. PowerReviews also works with brands and manufacturers to syndicate reviews from their sites to e-commerce sites where their products are being sold. PowerReviews is an approved ratings aggregator for Google's Product Listing Ads in the United States and United Kingdom. PowerReviews also operates product reviews and recommendations sites and
As of 2014, PowerReviews has more than 22 million consumer reviews and over 1,000 clients. Clients include Ulta Beauty, Lord & Taylor, Sports Authority, Skechers, Room & Board and Hammacher Schlemmer.