n. (power play English)
Usage examples of "power plays".
Company meetings were far more often power plays where the issue was secondary to whose view prevailed.
We cannot now verify the possibility of a coup, but Gunseng was privy to more knowledge than even his father suspected, and his later career demonstrated his ability to smell out power plays When Granuk died within days, Gunseng's placement of his own men in the vacated positions ensured his succession.
The Schwaben League and Schwaben Princes have been mutinous, engineered many revolts, and have been in the balance of power plays throughout their history.
Over the next fifteen years, devious politicking, strikes, ultimatums and power plays by nervous administrators on the other Systems - Altair, Capella, Betelgeuse and Procyon - were frequent: each Star determined to have equal safeguards against alien incursions.