n. module that provides power to operate other modules
A power module or power electronic module provides the physical containment for several power components, usually power semiconductor devices. These power semiconductors (so-called dies) are typically soldered or sintered on a power electronic substrate that carries the power semiconductors, provides electrical and thermal contact and electrical insulation where needed. Compared to discrete power semiconductors in plastic housings as TO-247 or TO-220, power packages provide a higher power density and are in many cases more reliable.
Usage examples of "power module".
Keeping his eye on them, he plugged a power module into the door controls and opened the airlock, disappeared inside for a moment, then came out again, his hand still hovering near his weapon.
Instead, he had to go into the high-power module, the deputies watching him on remote cameras.
Joined to the power module, whatever parts of the ship did not vaporize would be hyper-velocity shrapnel in all directions.