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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
it is pouring with rainBritish English, it is pouring rain American English (= a lot of rain is falling)
▪ When we went outside it was pouring with rain.
pouring rain (=very heavy rain)
▪ He left us standing in the pouring rain.
▪ On the other hand, driving round at night, in the pouring rain, didn't appeal either.
▪ Then, crouching down, I peered out through the pouring rain and saw such a sight as I will never forget.
▪ Two figures stood under it in the pouring rain.
▪ Then, he mingled with people in Belfast's city centre during pouring rain and chatted with pupils of Deramore High School.
▪ Have you ever been up to Clogwyn Du'r Arddu in the pouring rain and the vilest weather?
▪ Jumbles of furniture, bedding, household objects stood in the pouring rain.
▪ Apart from the pouring rain, we had to contend with mist - luckily we were on a clear path.
▪ Indeed, they must have looked pretty mad, sitting on the sodden bench in the pouring rain.
▪ She knew, of old, that feeding Sam was like pouring water down a well.
▪ Their action was therefore rather like pouring water on to a hot frying pan, only with more serious consequences.
▪ I cleaned my teeth without paste, before pouring water into the miniature bowl and shaving.
▪ Apart from the pouring rain, we had to contend with mist - luckily we were on a clear path.
▪ Have you ever been up to Clogwyn Du'r Arddu in the pouring rain and the vilest weather?
▪ Indeed, they must have looked pretty mad, sitting on the sodden bench in the pouring rain.
▪ Jumbles of furniture, bedding, household objects stood in the pouring rain.
▪ On a long, lowland walk on a pouring wet day my feet were no more than damp - a pleasant surprise.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pour \Pour\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Poured; p. pr. & vb. n. Pouring.] [OE. pouren, of uncertain origin; cf. W. bwrw to cast, throw, shed, bwrw gwlaw to rain.]

  1. To cause to flow in a stream, as a liquid or anything flowing like a liquid, either out of a vessel or into it; as, to pour water from a pail; to pour wine into a decanter; to pour oil upon the waters; to pour out sand or dust.

  2. To send forth as in a stream or a flood; to emit; to let escape freely or wholly.

    I . . . have poured out my soul before the Lord.
    --1 Sam. i. 15.

    Now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee.
    --Ezek. vii. 8.

    London doth pour out her citizens !

    Wherefore did Nature pour her bounties forth With such a full and unwithdrawing hand ?

  3. To send forth from, as in a stream; to discharge uninterruptedly.

    Is it for thee the linnet pours his throat ?

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"raining heavily," c.1600, present participle adjective from pour (v.).


n. The act by which something is poured. vb. (present participle of pour English)


adj. flowing profusely; "a gushing hydrant"; "pouring flood waters" [syn: gushing]

Usage examples of "pouring".

I reached to a pitcher of daru, annoyed that those who remained upon sufferance would dare to doubt-and then merely held the pitcher without pouring.

Anyway, copious quantities of hydrogen gas were pouring from the shaft maw, coming from the rent where the unfortunate brown man had fallen into a ballonet and suffocated.

Rowan began stirring again thoughtfully before pouring the contents of the pan into a large bowl and straining basmati rice into another while her aunt set the table.

She had hair that was like silk pouring through a mans fingers, eyes that could beguile the most hardened heart, a magical power so natural and strong she dared not expose it.

In seconds the benzine burned away and the cotton began to smolder, fiercely pouring out thick black smoke that smelled vile.

Once the berm was breached and his army was pouring through the gap, it would be no contest.

Cynthia Bessant was in the kitchen area, pouring herself a glass of wine.

There was an awkward silence which Flaherty filled with blarney while pouring drinks.

While Captain Bristler was pouring forth anathemas that made the blood of the loyal officers run cold in their veins, the man who held the hose pipe directed it to him, and the water was turned on.

The volunteer nurse kicked open the door into the little room and went in, hastily pouring the bromo seltzer from one glass to the other to keep it from foaming out of all bounds.

Already Tykir was leading Adam toward a trestle table where a housecarl was pouring mead for them.

It befel That he called up the warrior host Of the Song pouring hydromel In thunder, the wide-winged Song.

Next he mixed a cupful of magnetite and aluminum powder, pouring the potent stuff into the clay pot.

Everybody came to buy corn at the farm and went away pouring maledictions on the Black Brothers.

The leader, who was never able to sleep at night, would roam the streets of the old city with Manso, pouring out his frustrations and fears.