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pour out

vb. 1 To serve a drink into a cup or glass. 2 (context transitive English) To distribute or spread (something), as if it were a liquid. 3 To leave a place quickly, and in large numbers. 4 To talk volubly and deeply. Usually implies telling the truth.

pour out
  1. v. express without restraint; "The woman poured out her frustrations as the judge listened"

  2. pour out; "the sommelier decanted the wines" [syn: decant, pour]

  3. be disgorged; "The crowds spilled out into the streets" [syn: spill over, spill out]

  4. pour out; "effused brine" [syn: effuse]

Usage examples of "pour out".

His eye, burst open, hangs out of its socket and runs down his face and he keeps blinking which causes what's left of it inside the wound to pour out like red, veiny egg yolk.

She made me taste salad dressings over and over until I could pour out the precise ratio of olive oil to vinegar without looking at what I was doing.

Lake of Geneva the Isles, of Genoa the notables, Blood to pour out, wheat famine to none mercy.

I kick off the flip-flops, pour out a cup of coffee, and take a sip.

He excused himself and leaned down to put his mouth very close to Rodrigues' ear and began to pour out all that he had heard, and had been sent to hear, so that no one else on the quarterdeck could be party to it.

He saw how deeply unhappy Jamie was and once again was tempted to pour out the marvelous development called Gornt.

So he was ready to pour out gold like water if it gave him a way to kill his enemies before they got close enough to poke holes in his hide.