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n. One who pounces.

Usage examples of "pouncer".

Watching from his concealment on a rock behind a spreading burstflower bush, Pouncer twitched his tail unconsciously, eyes locked on his prey.

His father and brother and the others were hunting as a group, but Pouncer preferred his own company.

When Younger-Brother mentioned this water-hole, Pouncer had leapt at the chance to lead himself on his own private hunt.

His muscles were already screaming with fatigue, but Pouncer drove his legs forward, gained back a leap when it half-stumbled over a boulder, gained another when he anticipated a dodge and cut the corner as it tried to shake him.

The older kzin turned to give direction to the pilot, and Pouncer looked out over the side as the gravcar slid over the hills, south toward the Hrungn valley.

The insult stung, and Pouncer dropped to attack crouch and leapt to avenge it in a single, fluid motion.

Guardmaster pivoted out of the way and Pouncer went past, to roll and recover and attack again, but Guardmaster fell back and countered.

Guardmaster tumbled forward, overbalanced with his forward momentum, and Pouncer rolled to one side to avoid the molecular blade coming down at his head.

Patriarch, Pouncer, and then you will have no one but yourself to keep your rage in check.

Trainer gathered his training aids, turned to Guardmaster and Pouncer, and gave a claw-rake salute.

The puzzle gates had been set, Pouncer realized, to allow fast access to the maze center, if you happened to know the turnings.

Another Whrloo buzzed heavily past and as Pouncer turned to watch its iridescent flight he saw a five-armed Jotok resetting one of the gates behind them.

Ordinarily Pouncer could have spent half the afternoon enjoying its motion.

To Pouncer he seemed to be dying, but he always seemed to be dying and perhaps death would have been a release from the strange and painful reality he inhabited.

An involuntary shudder ran through Pouncer as the crippled kzin turned his vacant gaze on him.