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pottered about

vb. (en-pastpotter about)

Usage examples of "pottered about".

Heller pottered about, neating things up, cleaning things, polishing up the table, straightening up the room.

He muttered to himself aloud, warming up his disused Betan accent, he pottered about the elaborate Owner's Cabin.

In her room, she pottered about, taking her time, cleaning her teeth, brushing her hair, putting night-cream on her face.

There for an hour or more the little scientist pottered about the magnificent suite which had been occupied by Prince Otto Ludwig.

Cash did not even attempt to visit his trap line, but sat before the fire smoking or staring into the flames, or pottered about the little domestic duties that could not half fill the days.

He pottered about the garden in an old coat--now uprooting a weed, now wrangling with the autocrat from Scotland, who was theoretically in his service as head gardener---dreamily satisfied, when he thought of them at all, that his guests were as perfectly happy as he was.

She pottered about, and pottered about, and at last the three travellers realized with horror that she did not intend to go away at all.