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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Potently \Po"tent*ly\, adv. With great force or energy; powerfully; efficaciously. ``You are potently opposed.''


adv. In a potent manner; powerfully.


adv. in a manner having a powerful influence; "Clytemnestra's ghost crying in the night for vengeance remained most potently in the audience's mind" [syn: powerfully]

Usage examples of "potently".

There were other friends and classmates, one of them a natural humorist of the liveliest sort, who would have been quarantined in any Puritan port, his laugh was so potently contagious.

Thus high enthroned Thou, king beloved, Potently pleadest For peace in the land.

That tale comes well caparisoned with questions, which the Appointed might answer if he chose-or if he were potently persuaded.

The white flame licking the cunt walls, she orgasmed potently, shrieking her lust in what Francis took to be her crudest peasant language.