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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Potcher \Potch"er\, n. One who, or that which, potches.

Potcher engine (Paper Making), a machine in which washed rags are stirred in a bleaching solution.


n. 1 A machine in which rags, after being washed, are stirred and bleached as part of a process for making paper 2 The operator of such a machine; a potcherman

Usage examples of "potcher".

Thereafter matters degenerated into random and sporadic acts of violence followed by increasingly cruel reprisals which spread beyond Potcher to involve the eastern counties of Barfezi.

With no audiences for his bravado, the self-styled Prince of Potcher was soon left with only a few score giddy boys and girls with longbows and a dozen suicidal bomb-throwers whose numbers were reduced each time they acted.

Though the young lady has behaved foolishly-even ungraciously, one might say-you, yourself, Colonel, have behaved as honorably as one would expect of the hero of the Potcher War.

The Potcherwater was placid and deep from Wellsport all the way to County Gide, he knew Barfezi well from the Potcher War, and the river would take him to the very town where the inn stood, the one where the cook would, presumably, tell him where to find Genevieve.