n. 1 A hole in a road made by precipitation and traffic. 2 A deep cylindrical hole worn in rock (e.g. in limestone caves) by water.
Usage examples of "pot-hole".
The Captain watched sourly as the huge Rolls-Royce open tourer bumped down the dusty, pot-holed main street.
He urged Micawber over the pot-holes, stopped with a lurch at his cottage and ran inside.
When he emerged on the moor he was met by such a blast of wind and water that he could scarcely see the track, and his galloways stumbled among ruts and pot-holes.
Don't ask me to drop into some neglected little wartime strip by night, I've given up those jobs where you ground-loop around some pot-holes a mile deep and then hit a combine harvester.
It was a dusty, grassless, pot-holed couple of square blocks surrounding the stadium, into which people had driven and parked in pretty much random order.
Science points out that the noise may be produced by the action of water upon the loose stones in fissures and pot-holes of the mountain limestone, and does actually suggest the presence of metals.
When we were opposite the pot-holes, where Snitkin was waiting, Vance drew up and we got out.
When we were opposite the pot-holes Vance threw on the brakes and sprang down to the ground.
At the pot-holes we stood back while Doremus looked over the wall into the shallow chasm beyond.
Next Stamm replaced the board, doffed his diving suit, hid it in the old coffin in the vault, and drove to the pot-holes, where he dumped Montague's body.
And after Stamm had killed Greeff and mutilated him exactly as he had mutilated Montague, he took him down to the pot-holes in the wheelbarrow, over the sandy ground along the foot of the cliff, where he would not attract the attention of any guard that might have been stationed on the East Road.
The weight of the great bull had driven the spoor a foot deep into the sticky red mud, so that it was a series of deep pot-holes, strung across the earth like beads on a necklace.
Then the corporal gave it full lock and it roared up the road, taking the pot-holes in easy style.
All that scuba-diving and mountaineering and pot-holing and hang-glidingshe just wants to fill the days and not think about anything.
All that scuba-diving and mountaineering and pot-holing and hang-gliding—she just wants to fill the days and not think about anything.